To my ancestors, who make time habitable, is a sculptural installation that explores ecological symbiosis in the era of climate change. Copper sculptures signify conductivity; designed like doorways, they can be seen as a bridge between the tangible and intangible. Paper sculptures made from the artist’s creative notes, local plants and grimoire (book of spells) invert the esoteric Taoist practice of consuming written sigils to become vessels for spells. Hanging from golden thread, these objects outline the invisible yet material ways in which Earth and humans operate symbiotically.

To my ancestors, who make time habitable, is a sculptural installation that explores ecological symbiosis in the era of climate change. Copper sculptures signify conductivity; designed like doorways, they can be seen as a bridge between the tangible and intangible. Paper sculptures made from the artist’s creative notes, local plants and grimoire (book of spells) invert the esoteric Taoist practice of consuming written sigils to become vessels for spells. Hanging from golden thread, these objects outline the invisible yet material ways in which Earth and humans operate symbiotically.