“...cosmologies cannot be erased by brute force, at most they are pervasively sunk somewhere deep inside people. Out of view but not out of existence. Every empire rules by building new realities upon repressed memories.”
I work across installation, mixed-media objects, painting and collaborative projects, exploring human and nonhuman entanglements that challenge human exceptionalism. As a former interdisciplinary researcher, I am inspired by ecofeminism and science-fiction. Estrangement, othering, and nonhuman intelligence or sentience are common themes in my works.
In our age of ecological precarity, Silvia Federici notes that technology and capitalism have disenchanted nature. Thus, I build dense layers of media or materials, referencing alchemical forces or processes. Colors and shapes are metaphorical constellations, reflecting an orbit around celestial objects. Ultimately, my works operate at the intersection of archaeology and astronomy, striving for a connection between the earth and the stars.
Dreams \ Paintings \ 2022-3